Friday, October 27, 2023

DAY 26 - October 27, 2023

In the Tennessee River we have seen several strange looking creatures attached to surfaces underwater. Some people speculated they may be some type of fresh water jellyfish, but after some research we discovered they are not a single plant or animal at all. They are actually colonies of tiny invertebrates with tentacles that capture suspended food particles. A jelly-like material gathers in the middle of the colonies which causes the the shape to be like jelly. The name of this blob of creatures is called a bryozoan. Their presence is a sign of good quality water. We don't see them around Cincinnati because the winters are too cold. But we've seen them from the southern part of Kentucky down to where we are in southern Tennessee. The video above was taken by suspending our waterproof camera down into the water a couple of feet.

Upon arriving at an area grocery store, I was greeted by this sign in the front door.

This is a photo of the Pickwick look we went through several days ago. The lock 
and dam has a road running over it, so I took this photo from the road.

This is a photo of the beautiful scenery near our boat dock.

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